I'm proud of all the Soo Shim Kwan members (and friends) that attended the South African National Taekwon-Do Championship last weekend (1-3 May), either as competitors or as supporters. A special congratulations to those of you that won medals: Khatija (Silver - Sparring), Charl (Silver - Sparring), Rijnhardt (Bronze - Sparring) and Werner (Bronze - Special Technique Breaking). Of the five members that competed, four brought back medals. Well done! Even thought we are the smallest federation, we can always stand proud.
Some photos...
Charl receiving his medal:

Rijnhardt planting a kick on a competitors face!:

Werner looking cool:

Sanko and Rijnardt (and the medic oom):

Our loyal supporter, Stuward:

Why don't we have any photos of Khatija, Retha or Gerhard?!
Bsb Sanko
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