15 May 2011

Happy Teachers' Day!

May 15th is Teachers' Day (스승의 날) in South Korea. Martial arts instructors also qualify, so it is appropriate for me to wish all the martial art instructors that visit this blog a Happy Teachers' Day.

In Korea, Teachers' Day is a day on which students show their appreciation to their teachers for sharing their knowledge and for nurturing the academic growth of the students. Students usually give carnations, cards and sometimes gifts to their teachers.  For instance, I received a carnation, chocolates, Korean rice cake and other gifts. If Teachers' Day happen over a weekend, like this year, students may prepare their tokens of appreciation on the Friday before or the Monday after the weekend.

And to all my own martial art instructors I have had during the many years I have been active in the martial arts, thank you for the many lessons (many of them life-lessons) you have taught me through the years. Also, to the other martial art bloggers, I'm learning much from reading your blogs too. Happy Teachers' Day!

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