
14 April 2012

Anti-Bullying Blogging Carnival

Martial Arts Perth

I wrote my previous post, on the potential value of martial arts training for ostracised Korean children, specifically as a contribution to the first Anti-Bullying Blogging Carnival, organized by Colin Wee from Joong Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do in Australia. For this carnival several martial art bloggers set out to contemplate the topic of bullying and contribute to the anti-bullying discussion.

Bullying is often dismissed as mere child's play. This is quite unfortunate as many children that are bullied suffer severely--physically and emotionally. It is particularly this latter type of scarring that often goes unseen, but which potentially leaves life long scars. It is for this reason that this topic deserves our contemplation, especially within the martial arts circles, for I believe that the martial arts have the potential to bring hope and healing to victims of bullying. Read more about the carnival by clicking on the logo above.

I'm happy to mention that my contribution received an "Outstanding Submission" Award for "Most Eye-Opening Discussion". I am, of course, only one voice in the discussion. Each carnival submission brings a unique take on the topic and for anyone interested in anti-bullying I highly recommend you to read the other submissions as well.  Below are a list of the other contributors to the Anti-Bullying Blogging Carnival with links to their submissions.

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