
10 May 2011

Totally Tae Kwon Do

For this month's issue of Totally Tae Kwon Do (Issue #27) I submitted an article based on an earlier post here regarding the double forearm block. It starts on p. 37. Of all the contributions I have made to Totally Tae Kwon Do this article was received the least favourable. Actually, this is the only one that I've been made aware of actual disagreement. It leaves me with three possible conclusions. First, my article was misunderstood, which means I did not communicate clearly enough. Second, I'm wrong. Third, there are different ways of doing the double forearm block (i.e. different angles that it reaches its target), resulting in different understandings of the technique, with my understanding being incompatible with the understanding of someone doing the technique differently.

At present I'm thinking it is the first option -- I'm misunderstood. From what I've read so far, it is thought that I believe the extra arm brings more force to the technique; which is not my opinion at all. I pertinently said that:
"Bringing the other arm forward with the double forearm block does not contribute substantially to the force of the technique." 
My view is not that the arm brought forward adds to the force, rather that the angle at which the block intercepts the attack is what makes it a stronger block.

In any case, the second option, i.e. that I'm wrong, is also possible. Read the article and decide for yourself.

This month's issue of Totally Tae Kwon Do features the final instalment of Kanghan Jangshin Kwanjangnim Tristian Vardy's series on children's physiology and Taekwon-Do. The conclusion of his four-part article is also a farewell in a sense, as Sabeominm Vardy is leaving South Africa and relocating to Australia. The Soo Shim Kwan wishes him and his family all the best.

I also liked the interview Mr Stuart Anslow did with Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man. The interview reaffirmed my insistence of the definite influence of Taekkyeon on ITF Taekwon-Do. While Grandmaster Kim Bok-Man disagreed with sine wave motion, he does affirm the influence of Taekkyeon on Taekwon-Do.

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