

This blog is not edited or peer-reviewed. Rather, it functions as a type of brainstorming pad where I can generate, collect, and draft techno-philosophical ideas. Blog posts are therefor not intended as formal, academic work.

I have changed my mind on much of what I wrote in the past, and am likely to change my mind similarly in the future as well. The older the post, the more likely it is that I do not hold to that believe anymore and that the information is less academically sound.

You may wonder why I don't just delete the old posts of things I don't believe anymore. I could do so, but that would be like ripping out pages from one's journal from when one was a teenager. The whole point of a journal is to be able to go back and read how you thought at one point, and ponder how you have grown. This blog, then, is therefore also a log of my own growth and understanding of the martial arts. I admittedly used to have some erroneous ideas, and quite possibly have a few still, but I've also grown. My understanding of the martial arts, and ITF Taekwon-Do in particular, have matured.

Feel free to read and enjoy the old posts -- but please don't quote me on it as if it is something that I now necessarily believe. Instead, it might be useful to contact me personally and ask my current opinion on a particular topic.


Dr. Lewis

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